Martin G. Gulbrandsen
Department of Mathematics and Physics
University of Stavanger
NO-4036 Stavanger

Atelier: E-538, Kjølv Egelands hus
(+47) 51 83 18 08

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Professor in mathematics.

Research interests include abelian varieties, derived categories, geometric invariant theory and moduli spaces of sheaves.

I am a member of the Geometry and analysis group at the University of Stavanger. During 2014--2018 I was supported by the Research Council of Norway through the project sheaves on abelian varieties.


  • Sammy Alaoui Soulimani (PhD, 2023): Bridgeland Stability Conditions and the Hilbert Scheme of Skew Lines in Projective Space
  • Andrea Ricolfi (PhD, 2017): Local Donaldson-Thomas invariants and their refinements
  • Hamdia Mohamed Nure (master lektor, 2024): Jacob Steiner om de 60 Pascal-linjene
  • Swantje Behrends (master lektor, 2024): Fundamentalsetinger om kjeglesnitt av Jakob Steiner
  • Omega Zimba (master, 2023): The Unicity of a Blow-down
  • Fredrik Myhre Gjerde (master lektor, 2021): Generaliseringer av Brianchon og Pascal sine teoremer om kjeglesnitt
  • Endrit Kukalaj (master, 2020): Involutions of quadrics
  • Didrik Seland (bachelor lektor, 2020): Knuter og rasjonale floker
  • Olav Hansen Hjellup (bachelor lektor, 2020): Introduksjon i rasjonale floker
  • Marius B. Mahiout (bachelor, 2019): Algebraic curves
  • Fredrik Myhre Gjerde (bachelor lektor, 2019): En introduksjon til kjeglesnitt
  • Alida Hjelljord (bachelor, 2018): Gröbner bases and their applications
  • Karianne Tesaker (bachelor lektor, 2018): En introduksjon til representasjonsteori
  • Kristoffer Skjæveland Larsen (bachelor, 2016): Invariants of Binary Forms


With S. Alaoui Soulimani: Bridgeland stability conditions and skew lines in P³
Comm. Algebra 52, No. 7 (2024) [original publication]
With L. Halle, K. Hulek and Z. Zhang: The geometry of degenerations of Hilbert schemes of points
J. Algebraic Geom. 30 (2021), pp 1-56 [original publication]
With L. Halle and K. Hulek: A GIT construction of degenerations of Hilbert schemes of points
Documenta Math., 24 (2019), pp 421-472 [original publication]
With M. Lahoz: Schottky via the punctual Hilbert scheme
Tohoku Math. J., 69 (2017), no. 4, pp 611-619 [original publication]
With A. Ricolfi: The Euler characteristic of the generalized Kummer scheme of an Abelian threefold
Geom. Dedicata., 182 (2016), Issue 1, pp 73-79 [original publication]
With L. Halle and K. Hulek: A relative Hilbert-Mumford criterion
Manuscripta Math. 148 (2015), Issue 3, pp 283-301 [original publication]
Fibrations on generalized Kummer varieties
Series of dissertations submitted to the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo, No. 537 (2006). ISSN 1501-7710. [erratum]
Hilbert schemes of linear group orbits in the affine plane
Cand. scient. thesis, University of Oslo, December 2000.

Links - maths resources

MathSciNet - Mathematical Reviews
UC Davis Front for the maths arXiv
JSTOR - The scholarly journal archive
Project Euclid - mathematics and statistics online
GDZ - Göttinger Digitalisierungs-Zentrum
Numdam - Numérisation de documents anciens mathématiques

Not mathematics

Below - amateur diving photos from Norway
Above - amateur astronomy photos

Martin G. Gulbrandsen