NMR on flow in porous media

60. U.H. a Lad, A. Hiorth, J. Finjord, S.M. Skjaeveland. Two-Phase Simulation and Correlation of NMR Magnetic Decay in Equilateral Triangular Pores. Proc., 2008 International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Abu Dhabi, UAE, October 29--November 2 2008.

59. A. Hiorth, U.H. a Lad, J. Finjord, S.M. Skjaeveland. Signal from geometries containing corners - analytical and random walk calculations. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 25:562, 2007.

58. J. Finjord, A. Hiorth, U.H. a Lad, S.M. Skjaeveland. NMR for Equilateral Triangular Geometry under Conditions of Surface Relaxativity - Analytical and Random Walk Solution. Transport in Porous Media, 69:33-53, 2007 (appeared already in TIPM Online First, 3 November 2006).

57. A. Hiorth, U.H. a Lad, J. Finjord, S.M. Skjaeveland. Magnetic Signal from Geometries Containing Corners - Analytical and Random Walk Calculations. Proc., 8th International Bologna Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media, 2006.