List of Publications

1. J. Finjord. Quantum mechanical corrections to the third virial coefficient for a gas with a hard-core interaction. The Technical University of Norway, 1968. Diploma thesis (in Norwegian)

2. O. Borgen, J. Finjord, B. Mestvedt. FOUFU1. Technical Report no. 52, Institute for Physical Chemistry, NTH, 1969. Crystallography program with documentation. Unpublished

3. K. Bjørnenak, J. Finjord, P. Osland, A. Reitan. Double charge-exchange scattering of pions by 51V and 90Zr in the resonance region. Nucl. Phys. B, 20:327, 1970

4. K. Bjørnenak, J. Finjord, P. Osland, A. Reitan. Pion scattering by 12C in the resonance region. Arkiv for Det Fysiske Seminar i Trondheim, No. 3, 1970

5. K. Bjørnenak, J. Finjord, P. Osland, A. Reitan. Elastic and single-charge-exchange scattering of pions by carbon nuclei. Nucl. Phys. B, 22:179, 1970

6. J. Finjord. Pion-exchange contributions to the (gamma,pi) reaction on deuterium and helium nuclei. University of Trondheim, 1974. Ph.D. thesis

7. J. Finjord, F. Ravndal. Neutrino-production of charmed baryons. Phys. Lett. B, 58:61, 1975

8. J. Finjord, F. Ravndal. Weak production of strange resonances in a relativistic quark model. Nucl. Phys. B, 106:228, 1976

9. J. Finjord, F. Ravndal. Drell-Yan production of massive muon pairs. Phys. Lett. B, 62:438, 1976

10. J. Finjord. Electromagnetic and pion-exchange contributions to the 3,4He(gamma,pi)2,3H reactions at intermediate energy. Nucl. Phys. A, 274:495, 1976

11. J. Finjord. Charmed particles. Fra Fysikkens Verden, (4):1975, 1976 (in Norwegian)

12. J. Finjord. Analysis of nucleon-current contributions to 4He(gamma,pi)3H at low energy. NORDITA preprint 76/12, 1976. Unpublished

13. J. Finjord. Drell-Yan production of intermediate vector bosons. Nucl. Phys. B, 131:507, 1977

14. J. Finjord. omega- non-leptonic decays. Phys. Lett. B, 76:116, 1978

15. J. Finjord. Remarks on the enhancement of F+ -- pi+e+e-. Lett. al nuovo Cim., 22:685, 1978

16. A.M. Din, J. Finjord, W.J. Zakrzewski. Mass corrections to some instanton effects. Nucl. Phys. B, 153:46, 1979

17. J. Finjord, G. Girardi, P. Sorba. The needle in the large-pt haystack: Higgs versus quark or gluon jets together with a Z0 in hadronic reactions. Phys. Lett. B, 89:99, 1979

18. J. Finjord. A light Higgs boson: The decay Z0 -- H0l+l-. Physica Scripta, 21:143, 1980

19. J. Finjord, M.K. Gaillard. Hyperon decays revisited. Phys. Rev. D, 22:778, 1980

20. J. Finjord. The magnitude of annihilation and penguin contributions to charm-meson decays. Nucl. Phys. B, 181:74, 1981. Erratum/addendum, Nucl. Phys. B, 198:544, 1982

21. R.J. Crewther, J. Finjord, P. Minkowski. nu nubar -- gamma gamma with massive neutrinos. In Proceedings of the Third Warsaw Symposium on elementary particle physics, May 1980, Nukleonika (Poland), 26(2):311, 1981

22. J. Finjord, G. Girardi, M. Perrottet, P. Sorba. Leptonic front-back asymmetry in p pbar -- Z0(-- l+l-) jet X and p pbar -- Z+(-- l+nu(bar)) jet X. Nucl. Phys. B, 182:427, 1981

23. J. Finjord. Decays of charmed mesons by color-octet decays of the c-quark. Phys. Lett. B, 109:227, 1982

24. J. Finjord, A.K. Rej. Two-gluon radiation in charm-meson decays by c qbar annihilation. Il Nuovo Cim. A, 68:27, 1982

25. J. Finjord. Quarks in a constant self-dual euclidean background field, I: Some properties of the vacuum polarization. Nucl. Phys. B, 194:77, 1982

26. R.J. Crewther, J. Finjord, P. Minkowski. The annihilation process nu nubar -- gamma gamma with massive neutrinos in cosmology. Nucl. Phys. B, 207:269, 1982

27. J. Finjord, G. Girardi, P. Mery, P. Sorba. Toponium at hadronic colliders? Phys. Lett. B, 112:489, 1982

28. J. Finjord, P. Minkowski. Neutrino stars with a dense core. University of Bern preprint BUTP-8/1982, unpublished

29. J. Finjord. Quarks in a constant self-dual euclidean background field, II: Influence on the gluonic stability. Nucl. Phys. B, 222:507, 1983

30. J. Finjord. Hydrates of natural gas. A state-of-the-art study with emphasis on fundamental properties. Technical Report PRC T-11/83, Rogaland Research Institute, 1983.

31. J. Finjord. RRIHYD - A tool for natural gas hydrates prediction and research. Technical Report PRC T-2/85, Rogaland Research Institute, 1985. Thermodynamical equilibrium program documentation and manual

32. J. Finjord. Gas hydrates - gas molecules in a water cage: Problem today - an energy resource tomorrow? Teknisk Ukeblad, (24), 1984 (in Norwegian)

33. J. Finjord. Aspects of hydrate formation, inhibition and removal in subsea production systems. Technical Report PRC K-7/85, Rogaland Research Institute, 1985

34. J. Finjord. Non-perturbative approximate analytical solution in pseudotime for pressure drawdown in a gas reservoir. Society of Petroleum Engineers preprint SPE 15207, 1985, unpublished

35. J. Finjord, H. Norvik. Principles of the velocity of sound correction in vibrating element natural gas density transducers. Technical Report PRC T-1/85, Rogaland Research Institute, 1985

36. J. Finjord, H. Norvik. The calibration problem for vibrating element natural gas density transducers. In G.J. van Rossum, ed., Gas Quality, 181-195, Elsevier 1986

37. J. Finjord. Curling up the slope: Effects of the quadratic gradient term in the infinite-acting period for two-dimensional reservoir flow. SPE preprint 16451, 1986. Accepted for publication in SPE Formation Evaluation

38. B.S. Aadnoy, J. Finjord. Discussion of 'Prefracture testing in tight gas reservoirs'. SPE Formation Evaluation, 1:628-629, 1986

39. B.S. Aadnoy, J. Finjord. Further discussion of 'Prefracture testing in tight gas reservoirs'. SPE Formation Evaluation, 2:215, 1987

40. J. Finjord. Discussion of 'The relationship between radius of drainage and cumulative production'. SPE Formation Evaluation, 3:570, 1988

41. J. Finjord. Flow measurement of gas and oil. Rogaland University Center, 1988. Printed lecture notes (in Norwegian)

42. J. Finjord. An analytical study of pseudotime for pressure drawdown in a gas reservoir. SPE Formation Evaluation, 4:287-292, 1989

43. You Yue-lu, J. Finjord. A numerical study of the pseudotime transformation for drawdown in the infinite-acting period. SPE Formation Evaluation, 4:303-311, 1989

44. J. Finjord, B.S. Aadnoy. Effects of the nonlinear gradient term in exact analytical solutions of the radial flow equation for oil in a reservoir. SPE Formation Evaluation, 4:413-417, 1989

45. J. Finjord. Approximants for a definite integral of a high power of the exponential integral. Working Papers from Rogaland University, No. 72/87, rev. 1989, unpublished

46. J. Finjord. A solitary wave in a porous medium. Transport in Porous Media, 5:591-607, 1990

47. J. Finjord. Group velocity equals energy propagation velocity also for capillary-gravity waves. Rogaland University Center preprint, 1990, unpublished

48. J. Finjord. Real-gas effects in the expansibility factor for subsonic differential-pressure flowmeters at high pressure. SPE Production Engineering, 6:339-342, 1991

49. J. Finjord. Structure functions in a 'forest-fire' model of turbulence. In T. Riste and D. Sherrington, eds., Spontaneous formation of space-time structures and criticality, pp. 367-370, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991

50. J. Finjord. Structure functions in a model of turbulent energy dissipation. J. Stat. Phys., 68:749-760, 1992

51. J. Finjord. Fluid dynamics for the million: The mathematical physics of fluids. Rogaland University Center, 1992. Printed lecture notes (in Norwegian)

52. J. Finjord. FFV problem 3/89: A revisitation. Fra Fysikkens Verden, (4):1994 (in Norwegian)

53. B.S. Aadnoy, J. Finjord. Analytical solution for the Boltzmann transient line sink for an oil reservoir with pressure dependent formation properties. J. Petr. Science and Eng., 15:343-360, 1996

54. J. Finjord. Sex and self-organization on rugged landscapes. Int. J. Mod. Phys. C, 7:705-715, 1996; also as:
Self-Organization in Models of Populations with Two-Parent Reproduction on a Rugged Fitness Landscape, adap-org/9506003

55. J. Finjord. Fluid dynamics for the million: The mathematical physics of fluids. HiS, 2003. Printed lecture notes (translated and updated version of no. 51), in process of being published on the Internet

56. J. Finjord. Problems in Fluid mechanics with solutions. UiS, 2005. Printed problems with solutions (in Norwegian), published on the Internet

57. A. Hiorth, U.H. a Lad, J. Finjord, S.M. Skjaeveland. Magnetic Signal from Geometries Containing Corners - Analytical and Random Walk Calculations. Proc., 8th International Bologna Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media, 2006.

58. J. Finjord, A. Hiorth, U.H. a Lad, S.M. Skjaeveland. NMR for Equilateral Triangular Geometry under Conditions of Surface Relaxativity - Analytical and Random Walk Solution. Transport in Porous Media, 69:33-53, 2007 (appeared already in TIPM Online First, 3 November 2006).

59. A. Hiorth, U.H. a Lad, J. Finjord, S.M. Skjaeveland. Signal from geometries containing corners - analytical and random walk calculations. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 25:562, 2007.

60. U.H. a Lad, A. Hiorth, J. Finjord, S.M. Skjaeveland. Two-Phase Simulation and Correlation of NMR Magnetic Decay in Equilateral Triangular Pores. Proc., 2008 International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Abu Dhabi, UAE, October 29--November 2 2008.