Time-stamp: <2011-05-05 15:58:52 Svein> Syllabus Guided self-tuition: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media Fall 2011 Books, notes, web-pages 1. Jan R. Lien: "En kort innføring i NMR-logging", Notes/Lien-compendium/NMR-logging.pdf Some of the figures are missing at the end of the compendium. Please read the file Lien-compendium/Note.on.figures.txt. Also see the book by Farrar og Becker: "Pulse and Fourier Transform NMR", Chapter 2. 2. Powerpoint presentation, Notes/NMR-intro.ppt, by Jan R. Lien. 3. Powerpoint presentation, Notes/Mitra pore size.ppt, by Geir H. Sørland. 4. George R. Coates, Lizhi Xiao, and Manfred G. Prammer: "NMR Logging - Principles and Applications", Halliburton Energy Services, Houston 1999, Notes/NMR-book.pdf: Chapter 1: Summary of NMR Logging Applications and Benefits. Chapter 2: NMR Physics. Chapter 3: Fundamentals of NMR Petrophysics. Chapter 4: Fundamentals of NMR Hydrocarbon Typing. Knowledge of Halliburton's tool MRIL as presented in Chapter 5, and Schlumberger's tool CMR, see Notes/cmr.pdf. 5. Joseph P. Hornak: "The Basics of NMR", "http://www.cis.rit.edu/htbooks/nmr/" as supportive catalogue of properties and terms. Lab exercises: 1. Use of Resonance Instrument's MARAN-2 spectrometer that operates at a frequency of 2MHz. Measurements of T1 by Inversion Recovery and T2 by CPMG pulsing on core samples. User's Manual. Interpretation. Papers 1. NMR Properties of Reservoir Fluids, R.L. Kleinberg and H.J. Vinegar, The Log Analyst, Nov-Dec 1996. 2. Petrophysical Principles of Applications of NMR Logging, W.E. Kenyon, The Log Analyst, Mar-Apr 1997. 3. A Practical Approach to Obtain 1st Drainage Capillary Pressure Curves From NMR Core and Log Data, Y. Volokitin et al., SCA-9924. 4. Constructing Capillary Pressure Curves from NMR Log Data in the Presence of Hydrocarbons, Y. Volokitin et al., SPWLA 40th Logging Symposium, May 30--June 3, 1999. 5. NMR Surface Relaxivity and Diffusion Effects in Grain Packs, S. Godefroy et al., SCA 9920. 6. Interpretation of Wettability in Sandstones With NMR Analysis, G.Q. Zhang et al., SCA 9921. 7. Determination of Oil/Water Saturation Functions of Chalk Core Plugs From Two-Phase Flow Experiments, N. Bech et al., SPEREE Feb. 2000, SPE 60769. 8. Temperature effect on NMR surface relaxation, S. Godefroy, M. Fleury, and F. Deflandre, IFP, France, and J.-P. Korb, LPMC, Ecole Polytechnique, France, SPE 71700. 9. Wettability, Saturation, and Viscosity Using the Magnetic Resonance Fluid Characterization Method and New Diffusion-Editing Pulse Sequences R. Freedman, SPE, and N. Heaton, SPE, Schlumberger; M. Flaum, SPE, and G.J. Hirasaki, SPE, Rice University; C. Flaum, SPE, and M. Hürlimann, Schlumberger-Doll Research Center, SPE 77397. 10. Applications of a New-Generation NMR Wireline Logging Tool N.J. Heaton, SPE, R. Freedman, SPE, C. Karmonik, R. Taherian, K. Walter and L. DePavia, Schlumberger, SPE 77400. ---