------------------------------------------------------------ Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering Course requirements Transition plan for those having started Fall 2003 ------------------------------------------------------------ The courses MOT150, ÅMA150, MPE180 and MPExxx Res.Sim.Intro. constitute 20 study points (sp) of fundamental topics. The remaining courses during the first year are common to all the three specializations of Drilling Technology, Production Technology, and Reservoir Engineering that are available in the third semester. The courses Drilling Technology 1 and Reservoir Technology 1 have been split i two parts each: Drilling Technology 1 in Modern Well Design and Directional Drilling and Reservoir Technology 1 in PVT-analysis and Res.Sim.Intro. 1. sem. Fall 03 BIP100 Fund. Well Mechanics 5 Bernt Aadnøy MOT150 Math. Stat. 5 Jan Terje Kvaløy MPExxx Modern Well Design 5 Bernt Aadnøy MPE110 Reservoir Geology 5 1) Dag Ormaasen MPExxx PVT-analysis 5 Tor Austad ÅMA150 Math. model. 1 5 Paul Papatzacos 2. sem. Spring 04 MPE180 Vibrations and Waves 5 Kjell Hellesøe MPExxx Production Technology 1 10 Aly Hamouda MPExxx Directional Drilling 5 Bernt Aadnøy MPE110 Reservoir Geology 5 1) Dag Ormaasen MPExxx Res.Sim.Intro. 5 Hans Kleppe Remarks 1) Over two semesters. ................................ Specialization in Drilling Technology ................................ 3. sem. Fall 04 Advanced Topics in Drilling Technology 20 Bernt Aadnøy (coordinator) Electives 10 Advanced topics in Drilling Technology Fall 2004 comprises the four courses: MPExxx Dyna. Loading of Equip. 5 Erik Skaugen MPE190 Well Intervention 5 Jan Aasen MPExxx Well Operations 5 Aly Hamouda MOM230 Subsea Technology 5 Jostein Aleksandersen 4. sem. Spring 05 MPEHOV Thesis ................................ Specialization in Production Technology ................................ 3. sem. Fall 05 Advanced Topics in Production Technology 20 Aly Hamouda (coordinator) Electives 10 The Advanced Topics in Production Technology Fall 2004 consists of three courses and a project: MPExxx Well Operations 5 Aly Hamouda 1) MPExxx Basis of Process Simulation 5 Runar Bøe MPExxx Advanced Multiphase Flow in Pipes 5 Rune Time MPExxx Advanced Production Technology-Project Work 5 Aly Hamouda (coordinator) 1) Fall 04, this course may not fit into the time schedule for the Reservoir Eng. specialization. 4. sem. Spring 05 MPEHOV Thesis 30 ................................. Specialization in Reservoir Engineering ................................. 3. sem. Fall 04 MPE270 Res.Sim. 1 5 Hans Kleppe MPE320 Adv. Well Logging 5 Karl Audun Lehne MPE330 Improved Oil Recovery 5 Jostein Kolnes MPE350 Well Test Analysis 5 Leif Larsen Electives 10 4. sem. Spring 05 MPEHOV Thesis 30 ................... Recommended Elective Courses ................... Compulsory courses for one spesialization are electives for the other two. Also, a recommended list of elective courses is given below. Please note that all courses are not lectured in English, that each course does not necessarily fit into all individual time schedules and that the list may be adjusted. The mark [e] denotes courses that will be taught in English. However, others may possibly be transcribed if need be. F: Fall, S: Spring, number: #sp MPE220 Formation Mechanics F.5 Rasmus Risnes (Merete V. Madland) [e] MIN110 Project Manag. 1 F.5 Hans Jakob Fevang MOM110 Techn. Thermodyn. F.10 Ole Andreas Songe-Møller [11May04 This course has been changed to 5sp and called something slightly different.] MOM150 Energy Tech. 1 S.5 Ole Andreas Songe-Møller MPE210 Fluid Meas.Pet.Tech. F.5 Rune Time (not taught F.04) [e] MPE230 Gas, Utilization, Properties and Quality Spec. F.5 Thor Martin Svartås [e] MPE310 Water Injection During Oil and Gas Production F.5 Aly Hamouda (not taught F.04) [e] MPT100 Lin.alg. with Appl. F.5 Gunnar Dirdal MPT130 Fluid Dynamics S.5 Per Amundsen ÅMA190 Num. Math. Basics F.5 Sven Åke Gustafson ÅMA250 Math. Model. 2 S.5 Paul Papatzacos [e] MPE280 Res. Sim. 2 F.5 Hans Kleppe [e] MPE140 Eng. Methods in Pet. Sci. S.5 Anatoly Zolotukhin [e]