26Jan05 Discussion with Aly. The entry for an elective course in water injection will be changed by replacing "h04" by "h05": MPE310 Vanninjeksjon knyttet til olje- og gassproduksjon h.5 Aly Hamouda (foreleses ikke h04) [e] .................................................. From aly.hamouda@uis.no Mon Jan 24 07:16:38 2005 Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2005 03:56:42 +0100 From: aly.hamouda@uis.no To: Svein M Skjaeveland Subject: Re: Studieplanjustering 2005-06 Hi Svein,   I suggest that the water injection course in the autumn (2005) to continue to be taught within the "Well Operations course" as we have done in the autumn 2004. The well operations will be run as we did in 2004. As you know I share the well operations course with Anatoly, in addition to the advanced production projects. Regards, Aly % Local Variables: % eval:(setq fill-prefix " ") % End: