Suggestion for alternative third semester Our 3. semester has the form of Specialization courses. The students choose a specialization of about 20sp, aiming for a thesis topic. Instead of courses, we could offer an alternative form, a Specialization project of 15sp. In addition, they have to choose a 5sp course from the general field of the project and electives of 10sp. The specialization project would resemble the form of a bachelor thesis and the report would be graded. The work would be a prelude to the master thesis. There needs to be a coordinator for each specialization and there needs to be worked out specifications and requirement for this new "course", i.e., the project is defined in a new course description. The standard is still expected to be specialization through courses, but if an advisor and a student are interested, they may define a project in cooperation with the coordinator. The option of a Specialization project is very close to how IPT-NTNU organizes their last Fall semester, see file "Petr-eng-Petr-geosc.pdf" and description of the project starting on page 618 in the file "studiekatalog-siving-07-08.pdf". Perhaps the form of the report could follow the SPE Style Guide and specifications. Svein