From Sun Sep 21 16:14:33 2008 Date: Sun, 21 Sep 2008 16:14:21 From: Svein M Skjaeveland To: Institutt for petroleumsteknologi Subject: Adjusting master study programme Study plans for 2009-2010 - changes required As discussed earlier, the TN Faculty wants to reduce the number of exams per semester. On Sep 17, the following was decided in the Quality committee's meeting (Kvalitetsutvalget): 1. The long term goal is that no semester in any study programme should have more than 4 exams. 2. For the academic year 2009-2010, revision of programmes with many exams per semester: No semester in any programme shall have more than 5 exams, unless agreed upon by the Dean. My understanding of the term "exam" is a standard written exam with exam attendants in daytime working hours. This means, for instance, that midterm exams, and oral exams do not count as a standard exam. The number of standard exams can be reduced by merging two 5sp courses into a 10sp course; merging a compulsory 5sp course with an elective 5sp course into a new, compulsory 10sp course; oral exams, and so on. The point is that the exam periods have increased in length and have to be reduced. IPT's bachelor programmes in petroleum engineering and petroleum geology fulfill the requirements already. But some changes may be necessary for the petroleum engineering master programme. I will discuss each semester of this programme below, suggest some solutions, and appoint a person responsible to discuss and resolve each problem. Deadline: Oct 10. Responsible persons, tasks below: Thor Martin, Bernt, Svein, Reidar, Alejandro. a. Fall semester, year 1 1. sem h08 MOT320 Mat. stat.for petro. 5 Jan Terje Kvaløy MPE110 Reservoargeo. del 1 5 Alejandro Escalona 1) seq. stratigraphy MPE450 Moderne brønndesign 5 Bernt Aadnøy MPE510 PVT-analyse 5 Tor Austad MPE560 Brønnmekanikk 5 Eirik Kårstad ÅMA150 Mat. modell. 1 5 Paul Papatzacos * Here MPE110 has a compulsory test, an not a standard exam. MPE560 has a midterm exam. Hence there are only 3 standard exams as defined above, and no changes are necessary. b. Spring semester, year 1 2. sem v09 Choose one of three, either MPE180 Svingninger og bølger 5 Kjell Hellesøe or ÅMA300 Mat. 4-part. diff.lig. 5 NN or MPE630 Beslutningsanalyse I 5 Reidar Bratvold MPE110 Reservoargeo. del 2 5 Alejandro Escalona structural styles MPE130 Produksjonsteknologi 5 Aly Hamouda MPE340 Res.sim. innf. 5 Hans Kleppe MPE460 Retningsboring 5 Eirik Kårstad MPE490 Flerfasestrøm i rør 5 Rune Time * There are 6 ordinary exams, and we need to reduce to 5. I suggest merging MPE130 and MPE490 into a new 10sp course, or run them sequentially, with a midterm exam, as Bernt does in the Fall semester, or there may be other ways. * Resposible: Thor Martin, deadline: Oct 10. c. Fall semester, year 2 ................................. Spesialisering boring ................................ 3. sem. h09 MPE610 Videregående brønn- teknologi 5 Bernt Aadnøy MPE190 Brønnintervensjon 5 Kjell Kåre Fjelde MPE200 Dyna. belast. av utstyr 5 Erik Skaugen MPE240 Brønnkomplettering 5 Claas van der Zwaag Valgemner 10 * If two 5sp courses are chosen as Electives, there will be 6 exams, and modifications are needed. Two of the compulsory courses may be merged into a new 10sp course; a 5sp elective course may be merged with a 5sp compulsory course into a new 10sp compulsory course, leaving a single 5sp elective course, or other solutions. * Responsible: Bernt, deadline: Oct 10. ................................ Spesialisering produksjonsteknologi ................................ 3. sem h09 MPE500 Brønnsoperasjoner 5 Aly Hamouda MPE520 Grunnlaget for prosessimulering 5 Runar Bøe MPE530 Videreg. flerfase- strøm i rør 5 Rune Time Det velges ett av de følgende to fag. Valget må avklares med lærer ansvarlig for prosjektet. Enten MPE550 Prosjektarbeid - videregående produksjonsteknologi 5 Aly Hamouda (koordinator) eller MPE620 Utvidet prosjektarbeid - videregående produksjons- teknologi 10 Aly Hamouda (koordinator) * According to Aly, neither MPE550 nor MPE620 have ordinary exam as defined above, so this is OK. ................................. Spesialisering reservoarteknologi ................................. 3. sem h09 MPE270 Res.sim. 1 5 Hans Kleppe MPE320 Videreg. borh.log. 5 Karl Audun Lehne MPE330 Økt oljeutvinning 5 Dimitrios Hatzignatiou MPE350 Brønntesting 5 Leif Larsen Valgemner 10 * If two 5sp courses are choosen as electives, there are 6 exams and modifications are needed. I suggest that compulsory course MPE270 Res.sim. 1 (theoretical) and recommended elective MPE280 Res.sim. 2 (practical) are merged into a compulsory new 10sp course called Reservoir simulation, leaving a single elective 5sp course. * Responsible: Svein, deadline: Oct 10. ................................. Investerings- og beslutningsanalyse i petroleum ................................. 3. sem h09 MIN100 Investeringsanalyse 5 Ragnar Tveterås MIN230 Project Management 1 5 Hans Jacob Fevang MPE580 Ressursstyring for oljeindustrien 5 Reidar Bratvold MPE590 Beslutningsanalyse for oljeindustrien 10 Reidar Bratvold ***endres H09, delt I og II Electives 5 * The MPE590 course will be split into two 5sp courses, Decision analysis I (Spring, year 1), and Decision analysis II (Fall, year 2). Then, if two 5sp elective courses are chosen, there will be 6 exams, and modifications are necessary. Perhaps Decision analysis II could have an oral exam. Merging with MPE580 seems difficult since this course is offered as elective for the bachelor program. * Responsible: Reidar, deadline: Oct 10. ................................. Specialization petroleum geosciences ................................. 3. sem h09 MGEXX1 Advanced subsurface interpretation methods 5 NN MGEXX2 Reservoir geology and geophysics 5 NN MGEXX3 Seismic methods applied to 5 NN petroleum MPE320 Advanced well logging 5 Karl Audun Lehne Electives 10 * If two 5sp electives are chosen, this means 6 exams. But Alejandro explained that 2 of the courses do not have ordinary exam. Could you please elaborate, Alejandro? * Responsible: Alejandro, deadline: Oct 10. Svein --