Time-stamp: <2010-04-01 15:32:37 s-skj> ------------------------------------------------------------ Study plan master petroleum geosciences engineering ------------------------------------------------------------ Electives are in two categories: a. Recommended electives Each semester has at most 2 recommended elective courses. These are integrated in the week and exam schedules. b. Other electives Week and exam schedule conflicts may happen. Need to be resolved case by case in discussion with the course responsible lecturers. ,---- | Sem 1 Fall.10 `---- MPG210 Depositional system and sequence stratigraphy 10 Udo Zimmermann MPG230 Geostatistics and reservoir modelling 10 Reidar Bratvold (responsible) part a) and b) a) Geostatistics 5 Reidar Bratvold (teacher) ÅMA150 Mathematic modelling 5 Paul Papatzacos MPG160 Structural styles and basin analysis 10 Nestor Cardozo (with Willy Fjeldskaar) ,---- | Sem 2 Spring.11 `---- MPE630 Decision Analysis 1 5 Reidar Bratvold MPG240 Seismic reflection methods 10 To be determined MPG230 Geostatistics and reservoir modelling 10 Reidar Bratvold (responsible) part a) and b) b) Reservoir modelling 5 Chris Townsend (teacher) MPG220 Applied geosciences methods 10 Udo Zimmermann ,---- | Sem 3 Fall.11 `---- MPG200 Seismic interpretation and formation evaluation 15 Alejandro Escalona (with Karl Audun Lehne) MPG250 Seismic amplitude analysis and inversion 5 Arild Buland Electives 10 ---------------------------------------- Recommended electives ---------------------------------------- MPG100 Masteroppgaveseminar Master thesis seminar 5 Alejandro Escalona MPG150 Advanced geology seminar 1 5 Nestor Cardozo ,---- | Sem 4 Spring.12 `---- Master thesis 30 ----------------------------------------------------------- Other electives ------------------------------------------------------------ h: høst (fall) v: vår (spring) s: sommer (summer) BPG110 Geology seminar 1 h.5 Alejandro Escalona BPG120 Geology seminar 2 h.5 Udo Zimmermann MPE580 Petroleum Resource Management h.5 Reidar Bratvold BIT350 Statistical physics h.5 Jan Finjord [e] MOA130 Electron microscope h.5 Vidar Hansen MIN230 Project Management 1 h.5 Hans Jacob Fevang MPE220 Rock mechanics h.5 Merete V. Madland BPG160 Seminar and/ or field excursion vs.5 Udo Zimmermann ------------------------------------------------------------ Enkelte engelske navn ------------------------------------------------------------ Master of Science program in Petroleum Geoscience Engineering Masterprogram i petroleumsgeologi MPG210 Depositional system and sequence stratigraphy Avsetningssystem og sekvensstratigrafi MPG230 Geostatistics and reservoir modelling Geostatistikk og reservoarmodellering MPG160 Structural styles and basin analysis Strukturelle varianter og bassenganalyse MPG240 Seismic reflection methods Seismiske refleksjonsmetoder Reservoir modelling Reservoarmodellering MPG220 Applied geosciences methods Anvendte metoder i geovitenskap MPG200 Seismic interpretation and formation evaluation Seismisk tolkning og formasjonsevaluering MPG250 Seismic amplitude analysis and inversion Seismisk amplitudeanalyse og inversjon MPE580 Ressurstyring for oljeindustrien Petroleum Resource Management MPE630 Beslutningsanalyse 1 Decision Analysis 1 MPE640 Beslutningsanalyse 2 Decision Analysis 2 MPG110 Avanserte tolkingsmetoder av undergrunnsdata Advanced subsurface interpretation methods MPG120 Reservoargeologi og geofysikk Reservoir geology and geophysics MPG140 Seismiske metoder og undergrunnsanvendelser Seismic methods applied to petroleum MPG130 Bassenganalyse og petroleumssystemer Basin analysis and petroleum systems MPG150 Avansert geologiseminar 1; geokjemiske metoder i reservoargeologi Advanced geology seminar 1; geochemistry as a tool for reservoir geology MPG100 Masteroppgaveseminar Master thesis seminar MPG170 Geostatistikk Geostatistics MOM450 Undervannsteknologi Subsurface engineering MPG220 Applied geosciences methods Anvendte geovitenskapelige metoder MPG200 Seismic interpretation and formation evaluation Seismisk tolkning og formasjonsevaluering MPG250 Seismic amplitude analysis and inversion Seismisk amplitudeanalyse og inversjon