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 hips2lvq [-d decimals<integer>] 
    [-train training LVQ file<filename>]
    [-out LVQ datafile<filename>]
    [-p vector retain percentage<real>]
    [-seed random number seed<integer>] 
    [-m mask file<string>]
    [-sn struct<integer> | 
     -s struct<string> | 
    -sb struct<string>]
    [imagefile1 imagefile2...imagefileN]
Number of decimals in output, default 0.
Let the last column be the tag data. The training dataset will be stored in the specified file, (p percent of the samples).
Percent of vectors to be kept. Used when the program creates training data to LVQ, when LVQ is supposed to be trained on a subset of the pixels in the image.
Random seed. A negative value implies use of system clock.
Mask image. Only pixels where the corresponding pixels in the mask image are nonzero will be exported to LVQ format.
Filter structure string, defined as a quad tree. See the module filtertree (CompileFiltStructTree) for a description of the structure.
Filterstructure string, defined as a binary tree. See the module filtertree (CompileFiltStructTreeFromBin) for a description of the structure.
Filter structure number, between 1 and 11 (default 4). See the module filtertree (BuildFiltStructTree) for a description of the structure.
Input files
Minimum one input file, there may be as many as wanted.
Fri Sep 16 10:32:59 METDST 1994