Class BlockMatrix

  extended by mpv2.AllMatrices
      extended by mpv2.BlockMatrix
All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable

public class BlockMatrix
extends AllMatrices
implements java.lang.Cloneable,

This is a block matrix consisting of four submatrices, Matlab-notation: [ A, B; C, D].

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class mpv2.AllMatrices
K, N
Constructor Summary
BlockMatrix(AllMatrices A, AllMatrices B, AllMatrices C, AllMatrices D)
          Construct a Block matrix with four submatrices, [A, B; C, D].
Method Summary
 double get(int n, int k)
          Get a single element.
 void getColumn(int k, double[] y)
          Copy a column of the matrix into argument y Legal range of the integer argument is 0 <= k < K.
 void getRow(int n, double[] x)
          Get a row of the matrix into argument x.
 void set(int n, int k, double s)
          Set a single element.
Methods inherited from class mpv2.AllMatrices
addColumn, chol, columnNorm0, columnNorm1, columnNorm2, columnNormInf, cond, det, eig, eqConstant, eqCopy, eqCopy, eqCopy, eqCopy, eqCopy, eqDifference, eqEProduct, eqEQuotient, eqIdentity, eqInverse, eqIProduct, eqNegate, eqOnes, eqPermuteColumns, eqPermuteRows, eqProduct, eqProduct, eqRandom, eqScaleColumns, eqScaleRows, eqSum, eqTProduct, eqTranspose, eqZeros, getAll, getAll, getColumn, getColumnDimension, getK, getN, getRow, getRowDimension, getSubMatrix, getSubMatrix, getSubMatrix, getSubMatrix, getValue, innerProduct, lu, lup, norm1, norm2, normF, normInf, pluseqOuterProduct, print, print, print, print, qr, rank, setAll, setColumn, setRow, setValue, sumAll, svd, times, times, times, times, trace, transposeTimes, transposeTimes, transposeTimes, transposeTimes
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public BlockMatrix(AllMatrices A,
                   AllMatrices B,
                   AllMatrices C,
                   AllMatrices D)
Construct a Block matrix with four submatrices, [A, B; C, D]. The dimensions for the submatrices must agree. Note that some of the matrices may be null, legal use is like:
BlockMatrix(A,B,C,D); BlockMatrix(A,B,null,null); BlockMatrix(A,null,C,null); BlockMatrix(A,null,null,D); BlockMatrix(A,B,C,null);BlockMatrix(A,B,null,D);

A - A matrix of any kind, or null.
B - A matrix of any kind, or null.
C - A matrix of any kind, or null.
D - A matrix of any kind, or null.
Method Detail


public double get(int n,
                  int k)
Get a single element. The method is forwarded to getValue(...) in the correct submatrix.

Specified by:
get in class AllMatrices
n - Row index.
k - Column index.


public void set(int n,
                int k,
                double s)
Set a single element. The method is forwarded to setValue(...) in the correct submatrix.

Specified by:
set in class AllMatrices
n - Row index.
k - Column index.
s - A(n,k).


public void getColumn(int k,
                      double[] y)
Copy a column of the matrix into argument y Legal range of the integer argument is 0 <= k < K. If argument is out of range a length N array of zeros should be returned.
The corresponding Matlab expression would be: A(:,k+1).

getColumn in class AllMatrices
k - number of the column in the matrix
y - the given column of the matrix


public void getRow(int n,
                   double[] x)
Get a row of the matrix into argument x. Legal range of the integer argument is 0 <= n < N.

getRow in class AllMatrices
n - number of the row in the matrix.
x - is set to the given row of matrix.