Class MPDictionary

  extended bymp.MPDictionary
Direct Known Subclasses:
MPBandMatrix, MPFlexMatrix, MPMatrix, MPSimpleMatrix, MPSparseMatrix

public abstract class MPDictionary
extends java.lang.Object

This abstract class is the superclass for finite real dictionaries used for Matching Pursuit. Note that this class is not related in any way to the util.Dictionary class.
To make a subclass it is necessary to implement the two abstract methods here, i.e. the getValue(..) and setValue(..) functions. It is also needed to implement a constructor.
The rest of the needed functions will then be inherited from the superclass, but often more effective implementations are possible and these should be implemented and override the methods from this superclass.

The dictionary is (here) logically represented as an N×K matrix D, but the actual representation may vary in differnt implementations. It may actually not be stored at all, i.e. be defined from the functions alone. Since its inteded use is in the Matching Pursuit algorithms most effort should be put into making transposeMulitply() and innerProduct() effective.

The dictionary elements are vectors in space matrix RN, i.e. standard Euclidian N-dimensional real space, and the inner product is the standard sum of products with the induced norm as the common 2-norm. The dictionary elements are represented as columns in matrix D.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addColumn(int k, double factor, double[] x)
          Add a column of the matrix multiplied by a factor to a given vector.
 double[] getColumn(int k)
          Returns a column of the matrix, i.e. a dictionary element or atom.
 void getColumn(int k, double[] d)
          Returns, in argument d, a column of the matrix, i.e. a dictionary element or atom.
 int getColumns()
          Returns number of columns in the matrix, i.e. number of dictionary elements or atoms.
 int getK()
          Returns number of columns in the matrix, i.e. number of dictionary elements or atoms.
 int getN()
          Returns number of rows in the matrix, i.e. dimension of the dictionary elements or atoms.
 double[] getRow(int n)
          Returns a row of the matrix which represents the dictionary.
 void getRow(int n, double[] r)
          Returns, in argument r, a row of the matrix which represents the dictionary.
 int getRows()
          Returns number of rows in the matrix, i.e. dimension of the dictionary elements or atoms.
abstract  double getValue(int n, int k)
          Returns the value of an entry of the matrix, i.e. a single entry of a dictionary element (atom).
 double innerProduct(int k1, int k2)
          Returns the inner product of two dictionary elements, i.e. matrix column vectors.
 boolean isNormalized()
          Returns true if the dictionary is normalized, i.e. the 2-norm of all dictionary elements (atoms) is one, else it returns false.
 double[] multiply(double[] y)
          Multiplies the dictionary D by array y.
 void multiply(double[] y, double[] x)
          Multiplies the dictionary D by array y.
 void normalize()
          Normalize the dictionary, i.e. multiply each dictionary element (matrix column vector) by a number (scalar) such that the 2-norm, i.e. sum of squares, will be 1.0.
 void setColumn(int k, double[] d)
          Set a column of the matrix, i.e. a dictionary element or atom, to values in d.
 void setRow(int n, double[] r)
          Set a row of the matrix which represents the dictionary to values in r.
abstract  void setValue(int n, int k, double val)
          Set an entry (a value) in the dictionary.
 double[] transposeMultiply(double[] x)
          Multiplies the transposed dictionary D' by array x.
 void transposeMultiply(double[] x, double[] y)
          Multiplies the transposed dictionary D' by array x.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MPDictionary()
Method Detail


public int getRows()
Returns number of rows in the matrix, i.e. dimension of the dictionary elements or atoms. The method returns the class variable N.


public int getColumns()
Returns number of columns in the matrix, i.e. number of dictionary elements or atoms. The method returns the class variable K.


public int getN()
Returns number of rows in the matrix, i.e. dimension of the dictionary elements or atoms. The method returns the class variable N.


public int getK()
Returns number of columns in the matrix, i.e. number of dictionary elements or atoms. The method returns the class variable K.


public boolean isNormalized()
Returns true if the dictionary is normalized, i.e. the 2-norm of all dictionary elements (atoms) is one, else it returns false. This is the class variable normalized.


public abstract double getValue(int n,
                                int k)
Returns the value of an entry of the matrix, i.e. a single entry of a dictionary element (atom). Note that the row, i.e. position in the column, is given as first argument, the second argument is the column number i.e. the number of the dictionary atom. We should have: 0 <= n < N and 0 <= k < K. If arguments are outside legal range a zero should be returned without error or warning.

n - row number for the returned entry value.
k - column number for the returned entry value.


public abstract void setValue(int n,
                              int k,
                              double val)
Set an entry (a value) in the dictionary. Note that the row, i.e. position in the column, is given first, the second argument is the column number i.e. the number of the dictionary atom. We should have: 0 <= n < N and 0 <= k < K. If any argument is outside legal range nothing should be done.

n - row number for the entry value to be changed.
k - column number for the entry value to be changed.
val - the value to be put into the given entry of the dictionary.


public double innerProduct(int k1,
                           int k2)
Returns the inner product of two dictionary elements, i.e. matrix column vectors. Legal range is 0 <= k1 < K and 0 <= k2 < K. If k1 or k2 are out of range, 0.0 should be returned.

k1 - number for the first dictionary element.
k2 - number for the second dictionary element.


public void normalize()
Normalize the dictionary, i.e. multiply each dictionary element (matrix column vector) by a number (scalar) such that the 2-norm, i.e. sum of squares, will be 1.0.
This function should set the class variable normalized to true.


public double[] getColumn(int k)
Returns a column of the matrix, i.e. a dictionary element or atom. Legal range of the integer argument is 0 <= k < K. If argument is out of range a length N array of zeros should be returned.
The corresponding Matlab expression would be: D(:,k+1).

k - number of the column in dictionary, i.e. matrix D.


public void getColumn(int k,
                      double[] d)
Returns, in argument d, a column of the matrix, i.e. a dictionary element or atom. Legal range of the integer argument is 0 <= k < K. If argument is out of range a length N array of zeros should be returned.
The corresponding Matlab expression would be: d = D(:,k+1).

k - number of the column in dictionary, i.e. matrix D.
d - the given column of matrix D.


public void setColumn(int k,
                      double[] d)
Set a column of the matrix, i.e. a dictionary element or atom, to values in d. Legal range of the integer argument is 0 <= k < K. If argument is out of range an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
The corresponding Matlab expression would be: D(:,k+1) = d.

k - number of the column in dictionary, i.e. matrix D.
d - the given column of matrix D.


public void addColumn(int k,
                      double factor,
                      double[] x)
Add a column of the matrix multiplied by a factor to a given vector. Legal range of the integer argument is 0 <= k < K.
The corresponding Matlab expression would be: x = x+f*D(:,k+1). Note that this function can not be used from Matlab, use getColumn(k) to get D(:,k+1) and calculate the new x in Matlab.

k - number of the column in dictionary, i.e. matrix D.
factor - a factor to multiply the column vector by.
x - an array of length N.


public double[] getRow(int n)
Returns a row of the matrix which represents the dictionary. Legal range of the integer argument is 0 <= n < N. If argument is out of range a length K array of zeros should be returned.
The corresponding Matlab expression would be: D(n+1,:).

n - number of the row in dictionary, i.e. matrix D.


public void getRow(int n,
                   double[] r)
Returns, in argument r, a row of the matrix which represents the dictionary. Legal range of the integer argument is 0 <= n < N. If argument is out of range a length K array of zeros should be returned.
The corresponding Matlab expression would be: r = D(n+1,:).

n - number of the row in dictionary, i.e. matrix D.
r - the given row of matrix D.


public void setRow(int n,
                   double[] r)
Set a row of the matrix which represents the dictionary to values in r. Legal range of the integer argument is 0 <= n < N. If argument is out of range an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
The corresponding Matlab expression would be: D(n+1,:) = r.

n - number of the row in dictionary, i.e. matrix D.
r - the given row of matrix D.


public double[] transposeMultiply(double[] x)
Multiplies the transposed dictionary D' by array x. D is the matrix representing the dictionary, each column is a dictionary element. An array y is returned.
The dimensions are: D is N×K, x is N×1, and y is K×1.
The corresponding mulitplication in Matlab would be: y = D'*x.

x - the signal (column vector) that is multiplied by the transposed dictionary.
the results as an array of length K.


public void transposeMultiply(double[] x,
                              double[] y)
Multiplies the transposed dictionary D' by array x. D is the matrix representing the dictionary, each column is a dictionary element. An array y is returned.
The dimensions are: D is N×K, x is N×1, and y is K×1.
The corresponding mulitplication in Matlab would be: y = D'*x.

x - the signal (column vector) that is multiplied by the transposed dictionary.
y - the results as an array of length K.


public double[] multiply(double[] y)
Multiplies the dictionary D by array y. D is the matrix representing the dictionary, each column is a dictionary element. An array x is returned.
The dimensions are: D is N×K, x is N×1, and y is K×1.
The corresponding mulitplication in Matlab would be: x = D*y.

y - the coefficient vector that is multiplied by the dictionary.
the results as an array of length N.


public void multiply(double[] y,
                     double[] x)
Multiplies the dictionary D by array y. D is the matrix representing the dictionary, each column is a dictionary element. An array x is returned.
The dimensions are: D is N×K, x is N×1, and y is K×1.
The corresponding mulitplication in Matlab would be: x = D*y.

y - the coefficient vector that is multiplied by the dictionary.
x - the results as an array of length N.