Undergraduate Units
- 2019-, BYG102-Byggematerialer og geoteknikk (Building Materials and Geotechnics), UiS
- 2021-, BYG150-Byggematerialer (Building Materials), UiS
- 2019-, BYG205-Konstruksjonsmekanikk 2 (Construction Mechanics 2/Structural Analysis), UiS
- 2020-, BYGKBAC-Bachelor Thesis-Structural Engineering, UiS
- ENSC1002, Material Behaviour: from Atoms to Bridges, UWA
- CIVL2110, Statics and Solid Mechanics, UWA
- GENG2140, Modeling and Computer Analysis for Engineers, UWA
- ENSC3004, Solid Mechanics, UWA
- GENG1001, Static Design, UWA