Hirpa Lemu, PhD
Professor of Mechanical Design Engineering, UiS, Norway
PhD /Dr.Ing. (2002), Computational Intelligence in Integrated CAD/CAM, NTNU, Norway
MSc /Siv.Ing (1996), Manufacturing Engineering, NTNU, Norway
BSc (1989), Mechanical Engineering, AAU, Ethiopia

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Contact Address
University of Stavanger
Faculty of Science and Technology
N-4036 Stavanger, Norway

Tel.: +47-51832173
Fax.: +47-51831750
E-mail: Hirpa.g.lemu@uis.no



  Dr. Hirpa Lemu: List of publications

  - Publication profile in Googlescholar         - ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9588-4707




  • H.G. Lemu, et al. (2021) Third Conference of Computational Methods & Ocean Technology and Second Conference of Oil and Gas Technology (COTech & OGTech 2021), 2021 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 1201 011001, https://doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/1201/1/011001

  • H.G. Lemu, et al. (2019) Proc. of Second Conference of Computational Methods in Offshore Technology and First Conference of Oil and Gas Technology (COTech & OGTech 2019), 2019 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. vol. 700 011001, https://doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/700/1/011001 

  • H.G. Lemu, et al. (2017) Proc. of First Conf. of Computational Methods in Offshore Technology (COTech2017), IOP Conference Series: Material Science and Engineering, vol. 276. 

  • H.G. Lemu, ed.  (2012) Anisotropy Research: New Developments, NOVA Science Publisher Inc., NY, 1-24.

Peer-reviewed ARTICLES in Journals and Periodicals


  • M.A. Tolcha, T.M. Gebrehiwot and H.G. Lemu (2024), Enhancing Mechanical Properties of Cast Ingot Al6061 Alloy Using ECAP Process. J. of Materi Eng and Perform (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11665-024-09978-3 

  • N.D. Dejene, H.G. Lemu and E.M. Gutema (2024) Effects of process parameters on the surface characteristics of laser powder bed fusion printed parts: machine learning predictions with random forest and support vector regression, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-024-14087-5

  • Y.W. Adugna, N.S. Kurukkal, H.G. Lemu (2024)  Assessment of the accuracy of 3D printed medical models through reverse engineering, Heliyon 10 (11). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e31829.

  • M.A. Tolcha, H.G. Lemu (2024) Parametric optimizing of electro-discharge machining for LM25Al/VC composite material machining using deterministic and stochastic methods. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 1-26.  https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-024-13221-7

  • D.A. Efa, E.M. Gutema, H.G. Lemu, M. Gopal (2024) Modeling and Simulation of Friction Stir Welding of Aluminum and Magnesium Alloys Using Finite Element Analysis. Key Engineering Materials 980, 15-29

  • D.A. Efa, H.G. Lemu, E.M. Gutema,  M. Gopal (2024) Optimization of Titanium Alloy-Ti-6Al-4V to Minimize Mass, Maximize Stiffness and Frequency in Additive Manufacturing. Key Engineering Materials 980, 3-13.

  • D.A. Efa, H.G. Lemu, E.M. Gutema,  M. Gopal (2024) Analyzing the Effect of Temperature on Alloy Steel Forging Simulation Using Finite Element Simulation. Key Engineering Materials 979, 81-92.

  • T. Amare, B. Singh, G. Kabeta, M.G. Jiru, H.G. Lemu (2024)  Structural Equation Modeling of Relationships Among Lean Operational, Financial Performance, and Customer Satisfaction. Indian Journal of Science and Technology 17 (15), 1606-1620. https://doi.org/ 10.17485/IJST/v17i15.3016 

  • K.F. Yadeta, S. C. Siriwardane, T.A. Mohammed and H.G. Lemu (2024), Influence of pre-existing cracks and concrete cover on service life of reinforced concrete and mechanical behaviour of corroded rebars, International Journal of Structural integrity,   https://doi.org/10.1108/IJSI-12-2023-0139

  • T. Batu, H.G. Lemu, B. Negash, E. Beyene, D. Tirfe, E. Hailemichael (2024) , Optimal airfoil selection for small horizontal axis wind turbine blades: a multi-criteria approach. Advances in Mechanical and Materials Engineering 41 (1), 57-68.

  • T.L. Woldesilassiea, H.G. Lemu, E.M. Gutema (2024) Impacts of Adopting Additive Manufacturing Process on Supply Chain: Systematic Literature Review. Logistics 8(1), 3.  https://doi.org/10.3390/logistics8010003

  • M Gopal,  EM Gutema, HG Lemu and J. Sori (2024),  A Hybrid Nondominant-Based Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II) for Multiobjective Optimization to Minimize Vibration Amplitude in the End Milling Process, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 2024, https://doi.org/10.1155/2024/6652973 

  • W. D. Kelbessa, F. T. Daba, and H. G. Lemu (2024), Effect of fiber orientation on water absorption and hardness of lowland bamboo fiber reinforced composite, In. Proceeding of 13th International workshop of Advanced Manufacturing and Automation, Y. Wang et al. (Eds.): IWAMA 2023, LNEE 1154, pp. 1–8, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-0665-5_85

  • E.K. Tesema and H.G. Lemu (2024), Topology optimization of plastic shredding machine blade carriage, In. Proceeding of 13th International workshop of Advanced Manufacturing and Automation, Y. Wang et al. (Eds.): IWAMA 2023, LNEE 1154, pp. 1–8, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-0665-5_84


  • K. Hussen, H.G.Lemu and A. D. Tura (2023) Metaheuristic Optimization of Compressive Strength and Microstructures for Fused Deposition Modelling using PLA Material , In. First Conf. of Olympiad of Engineering Science, Aldemar Olympian Village, Greece, May 23 - 27, 2023.

  • Y. Regassa and H.G. Lemu (2023) Damage Assessment of Crack Growth Through Numerical Modelling and Rain flow Counting Method . In. First Conf. of Olympiad of Engineering Science, Aldemar Olympian Village, Greece, May 23 - 27, 2023.

  • A.D. Akessa and H.G. Lemu (2023) Experimental Study of Mechanical Properties and Numerical Simulation of 3D Printed Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites. In. First Conf. of Olympiad of Engineering Science, Aldemar Olympian Village, Greece, May 23 - 27, 2023.

  • Y.W. Adugna, H. Brüggemann, E. Hafnor, A. Djuv, A. Paulsen, H. R. Hagland and H.G Lemu (2023) Study on optimization methods of 3D printer process parameters for use in Orthopedics fracture classification and surgical planning.In. First Conf. of Olympiad of Engineering Science, Aldemar Olympian Village, Greece, May 23 - 27, 2023.

  • Y.W. Adugna, N.S. Kurukkal and H.G. Lemu (2023) Anatomical model reconstruction (solid modeling) using a reverse engineering approach.In. First Conf. of Olympiad of Engineering Science, Aldemar Olympian Village, Greece, May 23 - 27, 2023.

  • K. A. Irena, H. G. Lemu and Y. A. Kedir (2023), Effect of Interference Size on Contact Pressure Distribution of Railway Wheel Axle Press Fitting, Designs (MDPI Journal), vol. 7(5), 119.

  • D. A. Efa, E. M. Gutema, H. G. Lemu and M. Gopal (2023), Friction stir-welding of AZ31B Mg and 6061-T6 Al alloys optimization using Box-Behnken design (BBD) and Artificial Neural network, Research on Engineering Structures and Materials, Preprint

  • D.N. Gurmu and H.G. Lemu (2023) Experimental investigation of weight fraction of sisal fiber on mechanical properties of sisal-E-glass hybrid polymer composite, Advances in Material Science and Engineering, vol. 2023.

  • T. Batu, H.G. Lemu and H. Shimels (2023) Application of Artificial Intelligence for Surface Roughness Prediction of Additively Manufactured Components, Materials, vol. 16, 6266

  • F. D. Gurmesa, H.G. Lemu (2023) Literature Review on Thermomechanical Modelling and Analysis of Residual Stress Effects in Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing, Metals 13 (3), 526

  • Y.A. Kedir, H.G. Lemu (2023) Prediction of Fatigue Crack Initiation under Variable Amplitude Loading: Literature Review, Metals 13(3), 487.

  • N.D. Dejene, H.G. Lemu (2023) Current Status and Challenges of Powder Bed Fusion-Based Metal Additive Manufacturing: Literature Review, Metals 13(2), 424.

  • T. Trzepieciński, T. Batu, F. Kibrete, H.G. Lemu (2023) Application of Composite Materials for Energy Generation Devices, Journal of Composites Science 7 (2), 55.

  • D Tura, HG Lemu, LE Melaku, HB Mamo (2023) Impact of FDM 3D Printing Parameters on Compressive Strength and Printing Weight of PLA ComponentsA, Advanced Manufacturing and Automation XII, 495-504

  • Y.W. Adugna, H.G. Lemu (2023) Comparative Evaluation of Stress Concentration Generated on Human Femur Structure Using Meshfree Software, Advanced Manufacturing and Automation XII, 458-470

  • AE Bekele, HG Lemu, MG Jiru (2023) Study of the Effects of Alkali Treatment and Fiber Orientation on Mechanical Properties of Enset/Sisal Polymer Hybrid Composite, Journal of Composites Science 7 (1), 37

  • M Gopal, HG Lemu, EM Gutema (2023) Sustainable Additive Manufacturing and Environmental Implications: Literature Review, Sustainability 15 (1), 504



  • A.D. Tura, H.G. Lemu, H.B. Mamo and AJ Santhosh (2022), Prediction of tensile strength in fused deposition modeling process using artifcial neural network and fuzzy logic, Progress in Additive Manufacturing (Springer Nature, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40964-022-00346-y.

  • W. Bena and H.G. Lemu (202), Analysis of Thermomechanical Cracks of Disc Brake Used in Heavy Trucks, International Review of Mechanical Engineering (I.RE.M.E.), (Accepted, in publication process)

  • A. Mohammed, B. Sirahbizu and H.G. Lemu (2022), Optimal Rotary Wind Turbine Blade Modeling with Bond Graph Approach for Specific Local Sites, Energies (MDPI), vol. 15, 6858, ttps://doi.org/10.3390/en15186858.

  • E.M. Gutema, M. Gopal and H.G. Lemu (2022), Temperature Optimization by Using Response Surface Methodology and Desirability Analysis of Aluminium 6061, Materials (MDPI), vol. 15(17), 892, https://doi.org/10.3390/ma15175892.

  • Y Regassa, J Gari and HG Lemu (2022), Composite Overwrapped Pressure Vessel Design Optimization Using Numerical Method, Journal of Composites Science (MDPI Journal), vol. 6(8),https://doi.org/10.3390/jcs6080229  

  • A.E Bekele, H.G Lemu, M.G Jiru (2022), Study of drilling operation parameters on enset/sisal hybrid 2 polyester composite. Journal of Composites Science (MDPI Journal), vol. 6(7) https://doi.org/10.3390/jcs6070205; 

  • Ø Karlsen, HG. Lemu (2022), Comparative study on loosening of anti-loosening bolt and standard bolt system. Engineering Failure Analysis (ELSEVIER), vol. 140, 106590. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engfailanal.2022.106590

  • A.D. Tura, H.G. Lemu and H.B. Mamo (2022) Experimental Investigation and Prediction of Mechanical    Properties in a Fused Deposition Modeling Process, Crystals (MDPI Journal), vol. 12, 844, https://doi.org/10.3390/cryst12060844 

  • A.E Bekele, H.G Lemu, M.G Jiru (2022), Exploration of Mechanical Properties of Enset–Sisal Hybrid Polymer Composite, Fibers (MDPI Journal), vol. 10, 14 https://doi.org/10.3390/fib10020014

  • D.A. Yeshanew, M.G. Jiru, H.G. Lemu, M.A. Tolcha (2022), Internal Corrosion Damage Mechanisms of the Underground Water Pipelines, Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal, vol. 16(3), 111–123: https://doi.org/10.12913/22998624/149369

  • G.A. Ambaye, H.G. Lemu and M.A. Tolcha (2022), Contact temperature analysis of the classical Geneva mechanism through numerical methods, Materials Today: Proceedings, Elsevier, vol. 57 (2), 545 - 552.

  • S Salahshour, Ø Karlsen, HG. Lemu (2022), Experimental and Numerical Studies of Stress Distribution in an Expanding Pin Joint System, Applied Mechanics (MDPI), vol. 3, 46–63. https://doi.org/10.3390/applmech3010003

  • S.A Tewelde, H.G. Lemu and J.B. Dawit (2022), Mechanical property characterization of water hyacinth and glass fiber reinforced hybrid composite, Materials Today: Proceedings (Elsevier), vol. 62(12), 6445 - 6449.

  • T Trzepieciński, SM Najm, HG Lemu (2022), New Concepts for Cutting the Metal-Based and Polymer-Based Composite Materials. Journal of Composites Science, vol. 6(5), 150; https://doi.org/10.3390/jcs6050150 

  • Ø Karlsen, HG Lemu, I Berkani (2022) An investigation of the effects and consequences of combining Expanding Dual Pin with radial spherical plain bearings, Applied Mechanics (MDPI), vol. 3(2), 573 - 589, https://doi.org/10.3390/applmech3020034  



  • T. Batu and H.G. Lemu (2020), Investigation of Mechanical Properties of False Banana/Glass Fiber Reinforced Hybrid Composite Materials, Results in Materials, vol. 8 (100152), https://doi org/10.1016/j.rinma2020 1001

  • Y.D. Jelila and H.G. Lemu (2020), Study of wheel-rail contacts at railway turnout using multibody dynamics simulation approach, In Proc. of 10th International Workshop on Advanced Manufacturing and Automation (IWAMA2020), Oct. 12 - 13, Zhanjiang, China.

  • T. Batu and H.G. Lemu (2020), Fatigue life study of false banana/glass fiber reinforced composite for wind turbine blade application, In Proc. of 10th International Workshop on Advanced Manufacturing and Automation (IWAMA2020), Oct. 12 - 13, Zhanjiang, China.

  • G.A. Ambaye and H.G. Lemu (2020), Numerical Study of Effect of Backlash on Flash Temperature of Spur Gear, International Review of Mechanical Engineering (I.RE.M.E.), Vol. 14 (11), 684 - 692.

  • G.A. Ambaye, Hirpa G. Lemu (2020), Effect of backlash on transmission error and time varying mesh stiffness, In Proc. of 10th International Workshop on Advanced Manufacturing and Automation (IWAMA2020), Oct. 12 - 13, Zhanjiang, China.

  • G.A. Ambaye and H.G. Lemu (2020), Dynamic Analysis of Spur Gear with Backlash using ADAMS,  Proc. of  International Conference & Exposition on Mechanical, Material and Manufacturing Technology, ICE3MT20202, Oct. 09 - 10, Hydrebad, India, Materials Today, vol. 38, 2959 - 2967. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2020.09.309

  • Dawit JB, Regassa Y, Lemu HG. (2020) Property characterization of acacia tortilis for natural fiber reinforced polymer composite. Results in Materials. 5: 100054.

  • J.B. Dawit,  H.G. Lemu, Y. Regassa and A.D. Akessa (2020), Investigation of the Mechanical Properties of Acacia Tortilis Fiber Reinforced Natural Composite, Proc. of  International Conference & Exposition on Mechanical, Material and Manufacturing Technology, ICE3MT20202, Oct. 09 - 10, Hydrebad, India. Materials Today, vol. 38, 2953 - 2958. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2020.09.308.

  • A. Mohammed, H.G. Lemu and B. Sirahbizu (2020),  Statistical Analysis of Ethiopian Wind Power Potential at Selected Sites, Presented at 8th EAI International Conference on Advancements of Science and Technology, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.

  • N.D. Tilahun and H.G. Lemu (2020), Mechanical Vibration Analysis of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite Beams Using Analytical and Numerical Methods, Presented at 8th EAI International Conference on Advancements of Science and Technology, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.

  • S. Alemayehu, Y. Regassa, B. Yoseph and H.G. Lemu (2020), Mechanical Properties Characterization of Water Hyacinth ("Emboch") Plant for Use as Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite, Presented at 8th EAI International Conference on Advancements of Science and Technology, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.

  • Y. Regassa, H.G. Lemu and B. Sirahbizu (2020), Nature Inspired Design in Fiber Orientation Trends for Reinforcement of Composites, Presented at 8th EAI International Conference on Advancements of Science and Technology, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.

  • T. Batu, H.G. Lemu, B. Sirhabizuh (2020), Study of the Performance of Natural Fiber Reinforced Composites for Wind Turbine Blade Applications, Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal, vol. 14(2),  67–75

  • T. Trzepiecinski and H.G. Lemu (2020), Improving Prediction of Springback in Sheet Metal Forming Using Multilayer Perceptron-Based Genetic Algorithm, Materials 2020, 13, 3129; doi:10.3390/ma13143129

  • T. Trzepiecinski and H.G. Lemu (2020) Effect of Lubrication on Friction in Bending under Tension Test-Experimental and Numerical Approach, Metals 2020, 10, 544; doi:10.3390/met10040544

  • T. Trzepiecinski and H.G. Lemu (2020), Recent Developments and Trends in the Friction Testing for Conventional Sheet Metal Forming and Incremental Sheet Forming, Metals 2020, 10, 47; doi:10.3390/met10010047


  • Ø. Karlsen. H. G. Lemu (2019) On modelling techniques for Mechanical joints: Literature study. 9th International workshop on advanced manufacturing and automation (IWAMA2019); Nov. 21 - 22, 2019, Plymouth, UK

  • A. W. Gebisa, H. G. Lemu (2019). Influence of 3D Printing FDM Process Parameters on Tensile Property of ULTEM 9085. Procedia Manufacturing. vol. 30, 331-338. DOI: 10.1016/j.promfg.2019.02.047.

  • A. Garcia-Granada, J. Catafal-Pedragosa, H. G. Lemu (2019). Topology optimization through stiffness/weight ratio analysis for a three-point bending test of additive manufactured parts. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. vol. 700(1), doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/700/1/012012 

  • A. D. Akessa, A. W. Gebisa, H. G. Lemu (2019). Numerical simulation of FDM manufactured parts by adopting approaches in composite material simulation. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. vol. 700(1). DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/700/1/012016.

  • E. T. Woldemariam and H. G. Lemu (2019), Numerical Simulation Based Effect Characterization and Design Optimization of Micro Cross Flow Turbine, SV- Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 65(6) 386-397.

  • T.O. Terefe, H.G. Lemu, A: K/Mariam and T.B. Tuli (2019), Kinamtic Modelling and Analasis of a Walking Machine (Robot) Leg Mechanism on a Rough Terrain, Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal,  vol. 13(3), 45 - 53.

  • M.A. Tolcha and H.G. Lemu (2019), Modeling Thermomechanical Stress with H13 Tool SteelMaterial Response for Rolling Die under HotMilling, Metals 2019, 9(5), 495; https://doi.org/10.3390/met9050495.

  • B.M. Kebede and H.G. Lemu (2019), Design, simulation and production of hydraulic briquette press for metal chips, Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal, vol 13(2), 24 - 30.

  • T. Trzepiecinski and H.G. Lemu (2019), Finite element method-based modeling of bending under tension friction test of deep drawing quality steel sheets, In:  IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 504(1).

  • E. T. Woldemariam and H. G. Lemu (2019), A Machine Learning Based Framework for Model Approximation Followed by Design Optimization for Expensive Numerical Simulation-based Optimization Problems, The International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers Conference, ISOPE 2018, 16 - 21 June, 2019, Honolulu (Hawaii), USA.

  • T.O. Terefe, H.G. Lemu and A. K/Mariam (2019), Review and synthesis of a walking machine (Robot) leg mechanism, 8th Int.Conf. on Manufacturing Science and Education – MSE 2019 “Trends in New Industrial Revolution” June 5-7, 2019, Sibiu, Romania

  • M. Kowalik, T. Trzepiecinski and H.G. Lemu (2019), Effect of pressing parameters on the quality of joint formation of heat exchanger fins with the base plate, 8th Int.Conf. on Manufacturing Science and Education – MSE 2019 “Trends in New Industrial Revolution” June 5-7, 2019, Sibiu, Romania


  • K.I. Byberg, A.W. Gebisa and H.G. Lemu (2018), Mechanical properties of ULTEM 9085 material processed by fused deposition modeling, Polymer Testing: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polymertesting.2018.10.040

  • A. Mohammed and H.G. Lemu (2018), Modelling Wind Turbine System Using Bond Graph Method, In: 8th International Workshop of Advanced Manufacturing and Automation (IWAMA2018). 25 – 26 September 2018. Changzhou University, Jiangsu, China.

  • A. W. Gebisa and H.G. Lemu (2018), Influence of 3D Printing FDM Process Parameters on Tensile Property of ULTEM 9085, In: Procedia Manufacturing, Proceedings of the 14th Global Congress on Manufacturing and Management (GCMM2018), Brisbane, Australia, 5-7th Dec. 2018.

  • A. W. Gebisa and H.G. Lemu (2018), Effect of Process Parameters on Compressive Properties of ULTEM 9085 Produced by FDM Process, In: ASME, Int. Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2017), Nov. 9 – 15, Pittsburg, USA.  

  • A. W. Gebisa and H.G. Lemu (2018): Investigating Effects of Fused-Deposition Modeling (FDM) Processing Parameters on Flexural Properties of ULTEM 9085 using Designed Experiment, Materials 2018, 11(4), 500; doi:10.3390/ma11040500.

  • A. W. Gebisa and H.G. Lemu (2018) Additive Manufacturing for the manufacturE of Gas Turbine engine Components: Literature Review and Future Perspectives, Proc. of ASME Turbo Expo 2018: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition , GT2018, June 11-15, 2018, Oslo, Norway.

  • D. Kajela and H.G. Lemu (2018) Design and Modelling of a Light Duty Trencher for Local Conditions, Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal, vol 12, nr. 1, 2018.

  • E.T. Woldemariam, E. Coatanéa, G. Gary Wang, H. G. Lemu and D. Wu (2018), Customized Dimensional Analysis Conceptual Modeling Framework for Design Optimization: A Case Study on Cross-flow Micro Turbine Model, Engineering Optimization, https://doi.org/10.1080/0305215X.2018.1519556.

  • E. T. Woldemariam, Hirpa G. Lemu and G. Gary Wang (2018), CFD-Driven Valve Shape Optimization for

    Performance Improvement of a Micro Cross-Flow Turbine, Energies, vol. 11, 248; doi:10.3390/en11010248

  • H.G. Lemu (2018), On Opportunities and Limitations of Additive Manufacturing Technology for Industry 4.0 Era, In: 8th International Workshop of Advanced Manufacturing and Automation (IWAMA2018). 25 – 26 Sept. 2018. Changzhou University, Jiangsu, China.

  • Ina D. Nikolova, Hirpa G. Lemu, Dimitrinka S. Dahterova, Vanio D. Ivanov (2018), A comaparative study of outranking methods for multi-criteria optimization of electromechanical modules, Technical Gazette, 25(5), p. 1330-1338 https://doi.org/10.17559/TV-20170111011555 

  • K. Kopperstad and H.G.Lemu (2018), Design and Performance Study of Additive Manufactured Thrusters for Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle, The International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers Conference, ISOPE 2018, 10 - 15 June, 2018, Sapporo, Japan.

  • T. Trzepiecinski, H.G. Lemu (2018), FEM-based assessment of wear of stamping die, In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Int. Conf. on Materials Research and Innovation, ICMARI 2018, 17 - 21 Dec., 2018, Bankok Thailand.

  • T. Trzepiecinski, H.G. Lemu (2018), Prediction of springback in the air V-bending of metallic sheets, In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Aerospace and Aviation, ICASA 2018, 23 - 25 Oct., West Java, Indonesia.

  • T. Trzepiecinski, H.G. Lemu (2018), Frictional Resistances of AMS5599 Nickel-based Alloy at High Pressure Conditions, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol.381. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/381/1/012159.

  • T. Olana and H.G. Lemu (2018) Solution Approaches to Differential Equations of Mechanical Sustems Dynamics: A case study of car suspension system, Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal, vol. 12(2), 2018.

  • Y. Regassa and H.G. Lemu (2018), Multibody System Modelling and Simulation: Case study on excavator manipulator, In: 8th International Workshop of Advanced Manufacturing and Automation (IWAMA2018). 25 – 26 Sept. 2018. Changzhou University, Jiangsu, China.

  • Y. Regassa, B. Sirabizu and H.G. Lemu (2018), Review and Analysis of Processing Principles and Applications of Self-healing Composite Materials.  In: 8th International Workshop of Advanced Manufacturing and Automation (IWAMA2018). 25 – 26 Sept. 2018. Changzhou University, Jiangsu, China.


  • H.G. Lemu (2017), On Competition-driven Teaching of Multidisciplinary Engineering Education: Implementation cases at University of Stavanger, Nordic Journal of STEM Education. vol. 1 (1).

  • I. Berkani, Ø. Karlsen, and H.G. Lemu (2017),Experimental and numerical study of Bondura® 6.6 PIN joints. In: Proc. of COTech Conf., IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol.276.

  • A. W. Gebisa and H.G. Lemu (2017), A Case Study on Topology Optimized Design for Additive Manufacturing. In: Proc. of COTech Conf., IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol.276.

  • A.D. Akessa, H.G. Lemu and A.W. Gebisa (2017), Mechanical Property Characterization of Additive Manufactured ABS Material Using Design of Experiment Approach, ASME, Int. Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2017), Nov. 3 – 9, Tampa, USA.

  • A.W. Gebisa, H.G. Lemu (2017), Design for Manufacturing to Design for Additive Manufacturing: Analysis of the Implications for Design Optimality and Product Sustainability, In: Proc. of the 7th Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference, Vigo (Spain), June 2017,  Procedia Manufacturing, vol. 13, p. 724-731. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.promfg.2017.09.120

  • K. Rege and H.G. Lemu (2017), A Review of Fatigue Crack Propagation Modelling Techniques Using FEM and XFEM. In: Proc. of COTech Conf., IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol.276.

  • T. Trzepiecinski, H.G. Lemu (2017), Effect of Computational Parameters on Springback Simulation by Using Finite Element Method, Metals 2017, 7(9), 380; doi:10.3390/met7090380

  • T. Trzepiecinski, H.G. Lemu (2017), Effect of activation function and post synaptic potential on response of artificial neural network to predict frictional resistance of aluminium alloy sheets, In: IOP Science Conf. Series, Proc. of the 4th Int. Conf. on Advanced Materials, Mechanics and Structural Engineering (AMMSE 2017), Sep. 22 - 24, Tianjin City, China

  • T. Trzepiecinski, H.G. Lemu, and R. Fejkiel (2017), Experimental investigation of frictional resistances in the drawbead region of the sheet metal forming processes, In: IOP Science Conf. Series, Proc. of the 4th Int. Conf. on Advanced Materials, Mechanics and Structural Engineering (AMMSE 2017), Sep. 22 - 24, Tianjin City, China

  •  T. Trzepiecinski, H.G. Lemu, and R. Fejkiel (2017), Numerical Simulation of Effect of Friction directionality on Forming of Anisotropic Sheets, Int. Journal of Simulation Modelling, Vol. 16 (4), pp. xxx

  • H.G. Lemu, T. Trzepieciński, A Kubit and R. Fejkiel (2017), Friction modeling of Al-Mg alloy sheets based on multiple regression analysis and neural networks, Adv. Sci. Technol. Res. J. 11(1), pp. 48–57 

  • H.G. Lemu (2017), Assessment and Analysis of Structural Health Monitoring Techniques for Rotating Machines, The International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers Conference, ISOPE 2017, 26 - 30 June, San Francisco, USA

  • H. Vestli, H.G. Lemu, B.T. Svendsen, O. Gabrielsen and S.C. Siriwardane (2017), Case Studies on Structural Health Monitoring of Offshore Bottom-fixed Steel Structures, The International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers Conference, ISOPE 2017, 26 - 30 June, San Francisco, USA

  • E.T. Woldemariam, H.G. Lemu, G.G. Wang (2017), Geometric Parameters’ Effect Characterization and Design Optimization of a Micro Scale Cross-flow Turbine for an Improved Performance, The International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers Conference, ISOPE 2017, 26 - 30 June, San Francisco, USA

  • T. Trzepieciński, H.G. Lemu (2017), Prediction of Springback in V-die Air Bending Process by Using Finite Element Method, 8th Int. Conf. on Manufacturing Science and Education, June 7 -9, 2017, Sibiu, Romania

  • H.G. Lemu (2017), On Competition-driven Teaching of Multidisciplinary Engineering Education: Implementation cases at University of Stavanger, MNT Conference, March 30 - 31, Oslo, Norway.


  • A. Aeran, H.G. Lemu (2016). Time Integration Schemes in Dynamic Problems: Effect of Damping on Numerical Stability and Accuracy. I: Advanced Manufacturing and Automation VI. Atlantis Press. ISBN 978-94-6252-243-5.

  • A. Safari, K. Hajikolaei, H.G. Lemu, G. Wang (2016) A High-Dimensional Model Representation Guided PSO Methodology with Application on Compressor Airfoil Shape Optimization, In: Proc. of ASME Turboexpo 2016, 13 - 17 June, Seoul, S. Korea.

  • B. Øygarden, M. Bruset and H.G. Lemu (2016). Multibody Dynamics Simulation of ROV Manipulator Designed for Student Competition. I: Advanced Manufacturing and Automation VI. Atlantis Press. ISBN 978-94-6252-243-5.

  • E. T. Woldemariam and H.G. Lemu (2016). Comparative analysis of computational methods in Fluid-Structure Interaction: Temporal descretization and coupling techniques. I: Advanced Manufacturing and Automation VI. Atlantis Press. ISBN 978-94-6252-243-5.

  • E. T. Woldemariam and H.G. Lemu (2016), Nonlinear Isogeometric analysis in simulation-based product design optimization: State-of-the-art analysis, In: Advanced Manufacturing and Automation, WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, vol. 113 (2016).

  • E.V. Olsen and H.G. Lemu (2016), Mechanical testing of composite materials for monocoque design in Formula Student car, International Journal of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, 3 (1), 2016.

  • H.G. Lemu (2016), Proposal for Design-centered Cloud Computing in Engineering Design and Manufacturing, In: Advanced Manufacturing and Automation, WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, vol. 113 (2016).

  • H.G. Lemu (2016). Beyond Rapid Prototyping: Study of prospects and impacts of 3D printing in functional part fabrication. I: Advanced Manufacturing and Automation VI. Atlantis Press. ISBN 978-94-6252-243-5.

  • I.D. Nikolova, D.S. Dahterova, D.S. Ivanov and H.G. Lemu (2016). Multi-criteria Optimization of Electromechanical Modules: Part 2 - RAZOR method. I: Advanced Manufacturing and Automation VI. Atlantis Press. ISBN 978-94-6252-243-5.

  • I.D. Nikolova, D.S. Dahterova, D.S. Ivanov and H.G. Lemu (2016). Multi-criteria Optimization of Electromechanical Modules: Part 1- PROMETHEE method. I: Advanced Manufacturing and Automation VI. Atlantis Press. ISBN 978-94-6252-243-5.

  • J.V. Taboada and H.G. Lemu (2016), Analysis of Wave Energy Sources in the North Atlantic Waters in View of Design Challenges, In: Proc. of 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE 2016, 19 - 24 June, Busan, S. Korea.

  • R. L. Banos and H.G. Lemu (2016), Design and Performance Analysis of Anchor System for a Single-body Wave Energy Converter, In: Proc. of 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE 2016, 19 - 24 June, Busan, S. Korea.  

  • R. Petrova and H.G. Lemu (2016), Adaptability of a Surgical Robot to Guide its Clamp Operation along a Predefined Path, In: Advanced Manufacturing and Automation, WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, vol. 113 (2016).

  • T. Trzepieciński, T. Andrzej and H.G. Lemu (2016), Study of frictional properties of AMS nickel-chromium alloys, In Proc. of Balmattrib 2015, International Journal Key Engineering Materials 674, pp 244-249. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.674.244.


  • A. Safari, A. Younis A, G. Wang, H.G. Lemu and Z. Dong (2015), Development of a metamodel-assisted sampling approach to aerodynamic shape optimization problems. J. of Mechanical Science and Technology, 29(5), pp 2013-2024.

  • H.G. Lemu (2015) Advances in numerical computation based mechanical system design and simulation. Advances in Manufacturing, 3 (2), pp. 130-138, DOI: 10.1007/s40436-015-0110-9.

  • H.G. Lemu, R. Petrova, and A. Mihailov (2015), Study of a vertical axis wind turbine using fluid particle trajectory, In Proc. of ICMET 2015, Applied Mechanics and Materials Journal,  799-800, pp 618-624. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.799-800.618.

  • R. Petrova and H.G. Lemu (2015), Adaptability of a Surgical Robot to Guide its Clamp Operation along a Predefined Path, Int. Workshop of Advanced Manufacturing and Automation IWAMA 2015), Shangahi, 22- 23 October, 2015.  

  • T. Trzepieciński and H.G. Lemu (2015), Proposal for Experimental-Numerical Method for Friction Description in Sheet Metal Forming, SV- Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 61(6), pp. 383-391, DOI:10.5545/sv-jme.2015.2404.

  • T. Trzepieciński, A. Bazan and H.G. Lemu (2015), Finite element modeling of frictional and material anisotropy during forming of steel cylindrical cups, In Proc. of CMECE-II 2015, Applied Mechanics and Materials Journal, Vols. 789-790 (2015) pp. 3-6, DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.789-790.3.

  • T. Trzepieciński, A. Bazan and H.G. Lemu (2015), Frictional characteristics of steel sheets used in automotive industry, International Journal of Automotive Technology, 16(5), 849−863.




2011 and previous

  • H. G. Lemu (2011), Influence of Interference Fit and Surface Roughness on Contact Resistance of Tubing Connections, Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation, 1 (4), 285 - 292.

  • T. Trzepieciński and H. G. Lemu (2011), Investigation of Anisotropy Problems in Sheet Metal Forming using Finite Element Method, International Journal of Material Forming, 4 (4):357–369, DOI: 10.1007/s12289-010-0994-7.

  • K. Wang, H.L. Gelgele, Y. Wang, Q. Yuan and M. Fang (2003), Hybrid intelligent method for modeling the EDM process, Int. Journal of Machine Tools & manufacture, 43, 995 - 999.

  • H. L. Gelgele and K. Wang (1998), An Expert System for Engine Diagnosis: development and application. Int. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 9 (6), 539-545.

  • H. G. Lemu, and S. Kurtivic (2011), 3D Printing for Rapid Manufacturing: study of dimensional and geometrical accuracy, In: Proc. of International Conference on Advances in Production and Manufacturing Systems, APMS2011, Stavanger, Norway, Sept. 25 - 29. 

  • H.G. Lemu, J. Frick, T. Uhl, W. Lisowski, P. Piwowarczyk (2011), Study on Need Assessment of Mechatronics Education in Norway and Poland, in Proc. of Int. Conference on Advances in Production and Manufacturing Systems, APMS2011, Stavanger, Norway, Sept. 25 - 29.

  • H. G. Lemu and T. Trzepieciński (2011), FEM Based Deformability Analysis of Metal Forming: influence of material models and analysis approaches, In: Proc. of MESIC 2011: 4th Manufacturing Society International Conference. Cadiz, Spain, Sept. 21 – 23.

  • A. Safari, H. Saeidi, H.L. Gelgele (2011), Assessment of Gas Turbine Compressor Fouling Effects on Operation Cost and Performance of Thermal Power Plants, In: Proc. of COMADEM 2011, the 24th Int. Congress on Condition monitoring and Diagnostics management, Stavanger, Norway, May 30 – June 1.  

  • H. Saeidi, A. Safari,  H.L. Gelgele (2011), A Quantitative Prediction of Axial Compressor Performance Deterioration Using Fouling Full 3D Modeling, In: Proc. of ICAE 2011 - International Conference on Applied Energy, Perugia, Italy, May 16 – 18.

  • H.L. Gelgele (2010), Finite Element Methods in Strength Analysis of Orthopedics Devices - a short introduction. Presented at Annual Conference of Norwegian Society of Orthopedics Engineers, Oct. 2010, Stavanger, Norway.

  • H.L. Gelgele (2010), Rapid Prototyping - as a manufacturing tool for Orthopedics Devices. Presented at
    Annual Conference of
    Norwegian Society of Orthopedics Engineers, Oct. 2010, Stavanger, Norway.

  • H. L. Gelgele and J. Foggi (2010), Finite Element Based Stress Prediction for Design of Composite Materials, In: Proc. of Int. Workshop of Advanced Manufacturing and Automation. Ed. K. Wang, O. Myklebust and D. Tu, Tapir Academic Press (2010), 149 – 156.

  • H. L. Gelgele (2010), Study of Design Optimization Using Finite Element Method and Genetic Algorithm, In: Proc. of Int. Workshop of Advanced Manufacturing and Automation. Ed. K. Wang, O. Myklebust and D. Tu, Tapir Academic Press (2010), 127 – 134.

  • H. L. Gelgele (2009), Study of contact pressure and contact resistance in tubing connections, in Proc. of 13th Int. Research/Expert Conf. "Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology", TMT09, Hammamet, Tunisia, Oct. 16 - 21.

  • H. L. Gelgele (2007), Preliminary Study of Tubular Expansion Using Finite Element Methods, in proc. of 11th Int. Research/Expert Conf. "Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology", TMT07, Hammamet, Tunisia, Sept. 5 - 9.

  • H. L. Gelgele (2006), Finite Element Based Genetic Algorithm for Structural Design Optimization, in proc. of 10th Int. Research/Expert Conf. on  "Trends of the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology", TMT 2006, lloret de Mar, Spain, Sept. 11-15.

  • H. L. Gelgele (2006), Study of CAD-Integrated Analysis for Complex Structures, In: Proc. of International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP), Volume 207, Knowledge Enterprise: Intelligent Strategies in Design, Manufacturing and Management, eds. K. Wang, et al. (Boston: Springer), PROLAMAT 2006, Shanghai, pp. 673-678.

  • H. L. Gelgele (2005), Stress Concentration Analysis in Pressure Vessels Using Finite Element Method, presented on 9th Int. Research/Expert Conf. on  "Trends of the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology", TMT 2005, Antalya, Turkey, Sept. 26-30.

  • H. L. Gelgele (2004), The TSP scenario for optimized sequencing of machining operations, presented on 8th Int. Research/Expert Conf. on  "Trends of the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology", TMT 2004, Neum, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Sept. 15-19.

  • H. L. Gelgele (2003), Solving Manufacturing System Problems Using Hybrid Genetic Algorithm and Neural Networks, Presented on 7th Int. Research/Expert Conf. on "Trends of the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology", TMT 2003, Lloret de Mar, Barcelona, Spain, Sept. 15-17.

  • H. L. Gelgele (2002), Modeling and Optimization of Machining Processes Using Hybrid CI Approach, Int. Conf. on Computer Systems and Technologies - CompSysTech?2002, Sofia, Bulgaria, June 20-22.

  • K.L. Aas, P.K. Sannæs, H.L. Gelgele, F.O. Rask and K. Wang (2001), Methodology to increase process-efficiency in Electro-discharge machining of jet engine parts in nickel-base alloy, Proceedings of ISEM2001.

  • H. L. Gelgele and K. Wang (2000), Application of Genetic Algorithms to optimal sequencing of machining operations, Proc. of the Nordic-Baltic and Northwestern Russia Summer School, NBR2000, In Application of Computational Intelligence in Engineering, St. Pittersburg, Russia, June 4-15. 

  • K. Wang, T. Meng and H.L. Gelgele (2000), Process planning and its integration with design and machining process, ICME 2000. The 8th International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, Sydney, Aug. 27-30.

  • H. L. Gelgele and K. Wang (1998), Genetic Algorithm based selection of machining operation sequences, in Intelligent design, manufacturing and management - Proc. of Nordic-Baltic Summer School 1998, Pp 155-166.

  • H. L. Gelgele and K. Wang (1997), Expert Engine Diagnosis System (EXEDS). Proc. of the Nordic-Baltic Summer School, In Application of AI to Production Engineering Pp. 237-250. Kaunas, Lithuania, June 8-15.

    Theses and Technical Reports

  • Modeling and Optimization of Machining Process Using Hybrid Computational Intelligence Approach, 
    Dept. Report, July 2002, NTNU200215, Trondheim, Norway.

  • Hybrid Intelligent Systems in Manufacturing Optimization: application methodologies of computational 
    intelligence in integrated design and manufacturing
    . Doctoral Thesis, NTNU, April. 2002, Trondheim, Norway.

  • Tool Condition Monitoring Using Neuro-Fuzzy Systems, Dept. Report, April 2000, NTNU200006. Trondheim, Norway.

  • Part Feature Applications to Integrate CAD/CAM Systems. A Survey Paper, Dept. Report no. NTNU 98022, Oct 1998, Trondheim, Norway.

  • Accuracy and Stabilityof Sawing at Sokna Sawmill, Norske Skog Technical Report nr. 37-1997, Sokna, Norway.

  • Expert System Applications to Diagnosis and Monitoring, Diploma (MSC.) Thesis, NTNU, Dec. 1996.  
    Trondheim, Norway.

    Teaching Materials

  • Technical Drawing and 3D modeling, 
    Lecture notes for the course BIM100 Introduction to Mechanical Engineering (80 pages, in Norwegian)

  • Design of Machine Elements, 
    compendium for the course BIM150 (MSK210) Mechanical Design
    (210 pages, in Norwegian)

  • Introduction to Finite Element Methods, 
    compendium for the course BIM140/MSK250 Introduction to Finite Element Methods
    (170 pages, in Norwegian)

  • Introductory Tutorials in Using ANSYS and MATLAB, 
    Exercise/Tutorial sets for the course BIM140/MSK250 Finite Element Methods (80 pages, in English)

  • Fundamentals of Geometrical Tolerances in Design, Manufacturing and Product Control
    Course material for industrial courses

Enjoy my favourite CARTOONS (::)    

Model of my daily life! Life in general is like this!



Ongoing student projects

Project 1: Formula Student at UiS  
[the 2013 Team] [Team 2014]

Kick-off briefing, April 2011

Silverstone, July 2012

Kick-off, Team 2013, Nov. 2012

    Project 2: UiS Subsea [Team 2014]                  

ROV (Underwater robot)

The CAD model                       The physical object
(Visit also the team's official website)




    Last updated: 2024-09-05