Lecture notes, MPT130 Fluid Dynamics

Front page

Table of


1. Introduction

2. Continuation of the basics

3. Flow regimes and equations of motion

4. Viscous flow: Stokes's law

5. Potential flow: Surface waves on a liquid

6. Shock analogies

7. Lift and drag: Paradoxes of nonviscous flow

8. Laminar boundary layers

9. Flow separation and attachment

10. Instability and transition to turbulence in shear flow

11. Turbulence

12. Turbulent boundary layers

13. Homogeneous isotropical turbulence

A. Relations for the nabla operator

B. Derivation of the Navier-Stokes equation

C. Some thermodynamical relations

D. Polar and axial vectors

E. Waves

F. Surface tension and capillary pressure

G. Multidimensional Fourier integrals

H. Department for tricks

I. Solutions to problems



The pagination may change while the various chapters are being prepared for presentation on the internet. Some figures and also equation cross-references may be lacking temporarily.


Jan Finjord

Last update: December 11, 2003.